AUFMEVIC NIGERIA LIMITED: Flattening the Coronavirus curve using Aufmevic Tent Technology.

AUFMEVIC Nigeria limited is a leading company in all kinds of shade structures for many years now. As a Nigerian tent manufacturer with our international standard fabrication facilities, we have been particularly flexible for the new demands of the current crisis. We have helped out to quickly deploy medical and isolation center tent solutions knowing fully well that there is going to be a strain on our healthcare system, similar to what other countries are facing. For us at Aufmevic Nigeria Limited (a leading indigenous firm incorporate tent production), the COVID-19 pandemic is first and foremost a humanitarian challenge, so our primary objective or focus is to safeguard lives. Hence in this crucial period of a global health emergency, the need to think out of the box with initiatives to tackle the surge of this pandemic cannot be overemphasized.

In line with the coronavirus pandemic outbreak, we at AUFMEVIC Nigeria limited have been on the lookout and search for ways to salvage the outbreak in her own capacity and expertise in other to flatten the curve and save lives in the country. All hands have been on deck to expand our product range and design new innovative solutions to meet various new market needs as touching the ravaging pandemic. Therefore, in the wake of the highly infectious and contagious nature of the Corona-Virus and the need to treat infected citizens or persons in specialized Isolation Centers is inevitable.



However, the shortage of critical health infrastructures all over our nation has made this a huge challenge in the government fight against COVID-19. Hence, to mitigate against the severity of this challenge, we have thought out-of-the-box to produce, “The Aufmevic Customized COVID-19 Isolation Centre Tents”.

Furthermore, within a fairly short time, AUFMEVIC Nigeria limited have synergized with the state governments, organizations and agencies by using its expertise and experience in the Tent technology to provide Marquee tents used as Isolation centers across the country, knowing fully well that our tent structures can help take the burden off of hospital systems while increasing safety, capacity for testing and care.

The sporadic rise in the number of cases warrants the need for state-of-the-art facilities such as tent structures to provide outdoor shelter and covering for the Coronavirus infected patients as quarantine measures.

So far, AUFMEVIC tents have been installed in several locations as isolation centers in the country due to our fast installation period for the setup of the tent structure, it’s durability and aesthetic finishing.

The installation period spans a few numbers of days and the tent structure can last for years which can also be used for other purposes after the outbreak is eradicated.

We at AUFMEVIC Nigeria limited have successfully installed and completed several isolation center projects in different locations across the country. With our expertise, we have installed isolation center tents for the Lagos State Government through Guarantee Trust Bank (GTB) at Onikan stadium. Furthermore, we have also installed another isolation center tent through the Zamfara state ministry of health at Zamfara State, Nigeria.




As hospitals and healthcare facilities do their best to accommodate a surge of coronavirus (COVID-19) patients, we have set up temporary tent structures in the country. Healthcare facilities have experienced a sharp increase in the number of patients who are being tested and treated for (COVID-19 symptoms).

Our tent structures are an ideal solution to provide additional space for emergency cases, coming to the rescue of coronavirus patients, health care workers, and even the uninfected persons, thereby, providing adequate shelter and saving lots of lives.


The novel Corona-Virus pandemic that is currently ravaging the entire world has led
government at all levels to employ several frantic and far reaching measures to curtail
it spread, detect and treat citizens infected with this deadly virus.

For us at Aufmevic Nigeria Limited (a leading indigenous firm in corporate tent
production), the COVID-19 pandemic is first and foremost a humanitarian challenge,
so our primary objective or focus is to safeguard lives.

Hence in this crucial period of global health emergency, the need to think out of the box with initiatives to tackle the
surge of this pandemic cannot be overemphasized.

Therefore, in the wake of the highly infectious and contagious nature of the Corona-Virus and the need to treat infected citizens or persons in specialized Isolation Centers is inevitable.

However, the shortage of critical health infrastructures all over our
nation has made this a huge challenge in the government fight against COVID-19.

Hence, to mitigate against the severity of this challenge, we have thought out-of-the
box to produce, “The Aufmevic Customized COVID-19 Isolation Centre Tents”.

This highly durable, quick-fix and ready to use customized Isolation Centre Tents are
critical to the fight against COVID-19, in this period of worldwide health emergency.

The features of these Isolation Centre Tents include the following:

• It structures are made from heavy duty Aluminium extrusion frame.
• It is covered with anti-inflammatory and anti-aging PVC fabrics.
• Its floor is made from heavy duty marine-wood with PVC carpets.
• Its Inner-lining is made of void-materials (i.e. textile materials used for aesthetics
covering of the PVC fabrics of the roof and sides of the Tent).
• Its wards partitioning are done with Aluco boards (i.e. Aluminium Boards)
according to the client’s specifications.
• Its toilets and bathrooms are held in a smaller Tent or pagoda, outside the main Tent.
• It also comes with the Doctors and Nurses office-cubicle held in a separate small Tent
(pagoda) outside the main ward-tent. For extra protection of the health professionals.
• The technology behind these tents-designs, meant that it needs air-conditioning
cooling system for maximum comfort.

However, flexibility can be made in this
regards, owing to client’s demands and specifications.

These Tents comes in five (5) different models, based on their dimension and bed
holding capacity as follows:
1. 10m x 30m (30 Bed space)
2. 15m x 30m (50 Bed space)
3. 15m x 50m (80 Bed space)
4. 20m x 50m (100 Bed space)
5. 40m x 45m (200 Bed space)

These aforementioned models also come in three options, as follows:

➢ Option 1: Platinum Package
This is the premium package in our offering. It consists of the Tents with full
complement of all the accompanying accessories and its cooling system must be fully

➢ Option 2: Gold Package
This second option package in our offering consists of the tents, full or selective
compliment of the accompanying accessories and its cooling system is partially air-
conditioned alongside industrial fans.

➢ Option 3: Silver Package
This last option package is similar to the second, but its cooling system is purely by
the use of different specks of industrial fans.

The costs of the different models and options of these Isolation Centre Tents are as

1. 10m x 30m (30 Bed Space) N9.5m N4.5m N2.5m N16.5m N3.45m N9.6m N10.6m N1m N725,250 N4.3m N29.7m N46.2m

2. 15m x 30m (50 Bed Space) N13.5m N4.5m N2.5m N20.5m N5.175m N16m N14.40m N1.5m N982,750 N4.5m N42.6m N63.1m

3. 15m x 50m (80 Bed Space) N26m N4.5m N2.5m N33m N8.625m N25m N20.92m N1.9m N1.2m N6.0m N63.7m N96.7m

4. 20m x 50m (100 Bed Space) N45m N4.5m N2.5m N52m N11.5m N32m N28.40m N2.4m N1.5m N6.2m N82.0m N134.0m

5. 40m x 45m (200 Bed Space) N60m N4.5m N2.5m N67m N20.7m N64m N47.30m N5.0m N2.1m N8.0m N147.1m N214.1m


1. 10m x 30m (30 Bed Space) N9.5m N4.5m N2.5m N16.5m N3.45m N9.6m N8.83m N1m N725,250 N4.3m N27.91m N44.41m

2. 15m x 30m (50 Bed Space) N13.5m N4.5m N2.5m N20.5m N5.175m N16m N10.95m N1.5m N982,750 N4.5m N39.12m N59.62m

3. 15m x 50m (80 Bed Space) N26m N4.5m N2.5m N33m N8.625m N25m N16.82m N1.9m N1.2m N6.0m N59.55m N92.55m

4. 20m x 50m (100 Bed Space) N45m N4.5m N2.5m N52m N11.5m N32m N23.36m N2.4m N1.5m N6.2m N76.96m N128.96m

5. 40m x 45m (200 Bed Space) N60m N4.5m N2.5m N67m N20.7m N64m N29.56m N5.0m N2.1m N8.0m N129.36m N196.36m


1. 10m x 30m (30 Bed Space) N9.5m N4.5m N2.5m N16.5m N3.45m – N3.2m – N725,250 N4.3m N11.68m N28.18m

2. 15m x 30m (50 Bed Space) N13.5m N4.5m N2.5m N20.5m N5.175m – N4.3m – N982,750 N4.5m N14.96M N35.46m

3. 15m x 50m (80 Bed Space) N26m N4.5m N2.5m N33m N8.625m – N6.3m – N1.2m N6.0m N22.13m N55.13m

4. 20m x 50m (100 Bed Space) N45m N4.5m N2.5m N52m N11.5m – N8.52m – N1.5m N6.2m N27.72m N79.72m

5. 40m x 45m (200 Bed Space) N60m N4.5m N2.5m N67m N20.7m – N14.17m – N2.1m N8.0m N44.97m N111.94m

Note: These costs do not include transportation.


These Tents are made from durable materials and can be re-useable after the COVID-
19 pandemic. The anti-rust aluminium extrusion frame has a minimum lifespan of 20
years, while the PVC-cover has a minimum lifespan of 10 years.


The installation of these tents takes between 7 – 15 working days, depending on the
capacity or size of the tent ordered.

G. WARRANTY:  These tents come with a warranty of 6 months after installation.


➢ They are of international standard and quality.
➢ They have the advantage of mobility and flexibility of usage, as it can be
dismantled and moved to another location.

➢ They are very Eco-friendly.

➢ They have unique finishing with large span interior, making them very roomy.

➢ They also have the advantage of re-usability (i.e. after the COVID-19 period,
the PVC cover can be destroyed, while the Aluminium frame treated and re-use
with a new PVC-cover for other purposes.

➢ They have second-hand value (as it can be repurchased where not needed after
the COVID-19 usage).

➢ They come with very good aesthetics.


The war against Corona-Virus (COVID-19) is winnable and victory is in sight, but it
beholds on we all to do the needful. In the light of this, we are calling on the Federal
and State Governments, corporate organizations and spirited Nigerians, to patronize
these unique Isolation Centers Tents, in the government bid to stamped out this
pandemic from our land.

For more enquiry and placement of order, please contact: Okus Gbobodo on
09034355531 or Fome Ozuwo on 07060528282.

➢ Attached to this document is a brief audio-visual material of these products for
your perusal.


The novel Corona-Virus pandemic that is currently ravaging the entire world has led government at all levels to employ several frantic and far reaching measures to curtail it spread, detect and treat citizens infected with this deadly virus.
For us at Aufmevic Nigeria Limited (a leading indigenous firm in corporate tent production), the COVID-19 pandemic is first and foremost a humanitarian challenge, so our primary objective or focus is to safeguard lives. Hence in this crucial period of global health emergency, the need to think out of the box with initiatives to tackle the surge of this pandemic cannot be overemphasized.
Therefore, in the wake of the highly infectious and contagious nature of the Corona-Virus and the need to treat infected citizens or persons in specialized Isolation Centers is inevitable. However, the shortage of critical health infrastructures all over our nation has made this a huge challenge in the government fight against COVID-19. Hence, to mitigate against the severity of this challenge, we have thought out-of-the box to produce, “The Aufmevic Customized COVID-19 Isolation Centre Tents”.

This highly durable, quick-fix and ready to use customized Isolation Centre Tents are critical to the fight against COVID-19, in this period of worldwide health emergency.
The features of these Isolation Centre Tents include the following:
➢ It structures is made from heavy duty Aluminium extrusion frame.
➢ It is covered with anti-inflammatory and anti-aging PVC fabrics.
➢ Its floor is made from heavy duty marine-wood with PVC carpets.
➢Its Inner-lining is made of void-materials (i.e. textile materials used for aesthetics covering of the PVC fabrics of the roof and sides of the Tent).
➢ Its wards partitioning are done with Alucoboards (i.e. Aluminium Boards) according to the client’s specifications.
➢ Its toilets and bathrooms are held in a smaller Tent or pagoda, outside the main Tent. can be improvised to mobile toilets
➢It also comes with the Doctors and Nurses office-cubicle held in a separate small Tent (pagoda) outside the main ward-tent. For extra protection of the health professionals.
➢ The technology behind these tents-designs, meant that it needs air-conditioning cooling system for maximum comfort. However, flexibility can be made in this regards, owing to client’s demands and specifications.
These Tents comes in five (5) different models, based on their dimension and bed holding capacity as follows:
1. 10m x 30m (30 Bed space)
2. 15m x 30m (50 Bed space)
3. 15m x 50m (80 Bed space)
4. 20m x 50m (100 Bed space)
5. 40m x 45m (200 Bed space)
These aforementioned models also come in three options, as follows:
➢ Option 1: Platinum Package
This is the premium package in our offering. It consists of the Tents with full complement of all the accompanying accessories and its cooling system must be fully air-conditioned.
➢ Option 2: Gold Package
This second option package in our offering consists of the tents, full or selective compliment of the accompanying accessories and its cooling system is partially air-conditioned alongside industrial fans.
➢ Option 3: Silver Package
This last option package is similar to the second, but its cooling system is purely by the use of different specks of industrial fans.

These Tents are made from durable materials and can be re-useable after the COVID-19 pandemic. The anti-rust aluminium extrusion frame has a minimum lifespan of 20 years, while the PVC-cover has a minimum lifespan of 10 years. So its good for those going into Event rental business
The installation of these tents takes between 7 – 15 working days, depending on the capacity or size of the tent ordered.
These tents come with a warranty of 6 months after installation.
➢ They are of international standard and quality.
➢ They have the advantage of mobility and flexibility of usage, as it can be dismantled and moved to another location.
➢ They are very Eco-friendly.
➢ They have unique finishing with large span interior, making them very roomy.
➢ They also have the advantage of re-usability (i.e. after the COVID-19 period, the PVC cover can be destroyed, while the Aluminium frame treated and re-use with a new PVC-cover for other purposes.
➢ They have second-hand value (as it can be repurchased where not needed after the COVID-19 usage).
➢They come with very good aesthetics.
The war against Corona-Virus (COVID-19) is winnable and victory is in sight, but it beholds on we all to do the needful. In the light of this, we are calling on the Federal and State Governments, corporate organizations and spirited Nigerians, to patronize these unique Isolation Centers Tents, in the government bid to stamped out this pandemic from our land.
For more enquiry and placement of order, please contact:08037557703, 08163936003.



A. INTRODUCTION: The novel Corona-Virus (COVID-19) pandemic that is currently ravaging the entire world has led government at all levels to employ several frantic and far reacting measures to curtail it spread, detection and eventual treatment of infected citizens of this deadly virus.

For us at Aufmevic Nigeria Limited (a leading indigenous Corporate-Tents production firm), the COVID-19 pandemic is first and foremost a humanitarian challenge, so our primary focus is to safe guard lives.

Hence as we go into the phase of easing the lock down imposed on Lagos State by President Muhammadu Buhari,effective protocols needs to be put in place to ensure that this crucial stage of the fight against this global health pandemic do not overwhelm us.

Thus, the need to think out of the box initiatives to tackle the surge in the COVID-19 pandemic without necessarily creepling the State economy any further.It is in the light of the aforementioned, that we at Aufmevic wishes to show solidarity with the Lagos State Government in its front-line drive to rid the State of this deadly virus by proposing:“The COVID-19 Corporate Compliance Initiative (CCI)” in Lagos State.

B. OPERATIONAL MODE: The COVID-19 Corporate Compliance Initiative (CCI) is geared toward galvanizing the full co-operation of corporate organizations operating in Lagos State to assist the government in its fight against this surging pandemic, through the establishment of “Corporate COVID-19. Sample Collection Centers within the premises of all corporate organization with more than twenty (20) employees, operating within the State.

This is to be done through the collaborative effects of the State Ministry of Health, National Centre for disease Control (NCDC) and these organizations. This initiative is proposed to function as follows:➢

The Lagos State Government shall mandate these corporate organization to provide a place within their premises where “samples” can be collected from their employee for COVID-19 testing fortnightly, by the relevant Health authorities.
➢ Employees with positive test results are pick-up from their offices within 48 hours after testing for treatment at prescribed Isolation Treatment Centers.

➢ Contact tracing of persons with whom such employee have had contact with can then be effectively carried out after investigation.

However, due to the highly infectious and contagious nature of this Corona Virus,We are proposing the usage of our “Customized COVID-19 Pagodas (Tent) that can be installed in 5-hours within the organizations premises, can be easily dismantled and discarded at the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.

C. MODELS OF THE PAGODA (TENTS): These “Customized COVID-19 Pagodas are made of extrusion aluminum structured-frames with PVC-cover and are well ventilated with a 2 hp standing split unit air-conditioner.These pagodas come in three easily assembled models and designs as follows:

1. 5m x 5m pagoda with accessories valued at N3.5M2, 6m x 6m pagoda with accessories valued at N4.5M3, 10m x 10m pagoda with accessories valued at N6.5M These Pagodas are expected to be procured by the organization for their corporate use, in the fight against COVID-19.

D. VALUE PROPOSITION: The benefits of this far reaching initiative that shall be hugely rewarding to the government and the populace at large includes the following.

➢ It shall lead to voluntary submission of working-class citizens for compulsory COVID-19 testing.

➢ It shall enhance the testing capacity of the State Government.

➢ It shall enhance early detection and treatment of infected persons.

➢ It will also enhance, active corporate participation and support in the fight against COVID-19

➢ It shall increase the COVID-19 sensitization, awareness and consciousness among the citizenry.

➢ Above all it shall facilitate the quick eradication of this deadly virus from Lagos State.

E. CONCLUSION: The war against Corona virus (COVID-19) is winnable and victory is in sight, but it beholds on we all to do the needful.

Hence,Your Excellency we look forward to a fruitful collaboration with the State Government in driving this noble initiative. For more enquiries, please contact:Fome Ozuwo on 07060528282 or Okus Gbododo on 09034355531